Friday, December 27, 2019

30 Famous Bilingual French Quotes

French quotes are a fun and interesting way to learn some French vocabulary. The quotes below are short, famous, and easy to memorize. The quotations are grouped in sections according to their content so that you can find just the right saying to impress your family, friends, and colleagues—French or American—with your command of this Romance language. Each Fench quote is followed by its English translation as well as the person who made the statement. Right and Wrong Truth, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder, but in French, there are many ways to say that you think—actually know—that you are right and others are wrong. Prouver que jai raison serait accorder que je puis avoir tort.Proving that I am right would be admitting that I could be wrong.- Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais Il ny a pas de verità ©s moyennes.​There are no half-truths.- Georges Bernanos On nest point toujours une bà ªte pour lavoir à ©tà © quelquefois.Being a fool sometimes does not make one a fool all the time.- Denis Diderot Thought and Existence Widely regarded as the father of modern philosophy, Renà © Descartes uttered four famous words—I think, therefore I am.—which are even briefer in Latin, the language he used to create the dictum: Cogito, ergo sum. Descartes motivated humans to begin thinking about the meaning of thought and existence, but other French notables also had interesting things to say on the subject. Je pense, donc, je suis.I think, therefore, I am.-  Renà © Descartes Imaginer cest choisir.To imagine is to choose.- Jean Giono Le monde a commencà © sans lhomme et il sachà ¨vera sans lui.The world began without man and it will end without him.- Claude Là ©vi-Strauss La Raison cest la folie du plus fort. La raison du moins fort cest de la folie.​Reason is the madness of the strongest. The reason of those less strong is madness.- Eugà ¨ne Ionesco Dans une grande à ¢me tout est grand.In a great mind everything is great.- Blaise Pascal Books and Art As one of the countries that helped usher in the  Renaissance  centuries ago, France has also produced many thinkers who have commented on great books and great art. Le livre est lopium de lOccident.Books are the opium of the West.- Anatole France LÅ“uvre dart, cest une idà ©e quon exagà ¨re.A work of art is an idea that someone exaggerates.- Andrà © Gide Les livres sont des amis froids et sà »rs.Books are cold and certain friends.-​  Victor Hugo Le monde est un livre dont chaque pas nous ouvre une page.The world is a book—with each step we open a page.  - Alphonse de Lamartine Un peuple malheureux fait les grands artistes.An unhappy nation makes great artists.- Alfred de Musset Les chefs-dÅ“uvre ne sont jamais que des tentatives heureuses.Masterpieces are never anything else but happy attempts.- George Sand Écrire, cest une faà §on de parler sans à ªtre interrompu.​Writing is a way to talk without being interrupted.- Jules Renard Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Liberty, equality, fraternity is the national French motto. The words marked the  end of absolute monarchy  and  the birth of the sovereign nation  in 1792, after the French Revolution. Not surprisingly, many French thinkers have had plenty to say on the subject. Les Franà §ais sont des veaux.French people are calves.- Charles de Gaulle On nous apprend à   vivre quand la vie est passà ©e.They teach us to live when life is past.- Michel de Montaigne La libertà © est pour la Science ce que lair est pour lanimal.Liberty is to science what air is to animals.- Henri Poincarà © Tous pour un, un pour tous.All for one, one for all.  -  Alexandre Dumas Un homme seul est toujours en mauvaise compagnie.A lone man is always in poor company.- Paul Valà ©ry Miscellaneous Thoughts Many French sayings dont fit neatly into any single category, but they are thought-provoking, nevertheless. Je me sers danimaux pour instruire les hommes.I use animals to teach men.-  Jean de La Fontaine La science na pas de patrie.Science has no homeland.- Louis Pasteur Tout commence en mystique et finit en politique.Everything begins mystically and ends politically.- Charles Pà ©guy Plus loffenseur mest cher, plus je ressens linjure.The more dearly I hold the offender, the more strongly I feel the insult.- Jean Racine Être adulte, cest à ªtre seul.To be an adult is to be alone.- Jean Rostand On ne voit bien quavec le coeur.We see well only with the heart.- Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry Lenfer, cest les autres.Hell is other people.- Jean-Paul Sartre À vaillant coeur rien dimpossible.For a valiant heart nothing is impossible.- Jacques Coeur Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que  tu es.Tell me what you eat and Ill tell you what you are.- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Va, je ne te hais point.Go, I dont hate you.- Pierre Corneille​

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Attitudes Towards The Elderly - 1031 Words

Society as whole has many false beliefs and preconceived notions about the aging population. I myself have harboured dozens of them throughout my lifetime. However, there are a select few that have stood the test of time as they continue to guide my attitudes towards the elderly. Though one of the oldest stereotypes in the book, I unfortunately see the elderly as being a generally unhappy (grumpy) group. I rationalize to myself that they are this way due to deteriorating health, and also because they are generally unpleased with where life has taken them. I also feel that as a result, many elderly tend to disengage themselves from society, preferring to live quiet lives in solitude. And due to their self-imposed exiles from the judging eyes of the world, they take little pride in their aesthetic appearance. So in an endeavor to examine the impact of my perceived beliefs about others, I interviewed my mother to verify whether or not my currently held beliefs carried any weight. The Interview Me: What is your current age? Mom: 59 Me: Does the thought of aging worry you? Mom: Aging worries me. I know that as we age, no matter how much we take good care of ourselves, we are going to get sick. I m scared of getting sick and being a burden to my kids. And also, I m not ready to die. I want to see that all my kids and my only grandchild to have a stable life. Me: How would you say aging has affected you both physically and mentally? Mom: I noticed that I get tiredShow MoreRelatedIs Ageism Against The Older People Could Potentially Be Reversed Through The Participation Of A Lifespan Human Development Course1620 Words   |  7 PagesIn this article, the author examine if negative attitudes towards older people could potentially be reversed through the participation in a Lifespan Human Development Course. He states that research findings shows that a prevailing factor that is affecting the elder population today is ageism. Researchers found, that the younger generation, 35 years and younger, are judgmental and in many cases disrespectful and hold some form of prejudice towards older adults. Older adult are often described inRead MoreEssay about Growing Old1073 Words   |  5 Pagesprocess depends on the individual. After my Visit at English Oaks Convalescent Home, a skilled nursing facility for adults’ age 55 and older, I found this to be true. During my visit, I conversed with many â€Å"residents† whom were alert and oriented and very aware of the aging process. We conversed about the process of aging and the factors that appear to account for a longer life. We talked about adjusting to aging as well as the positives of growing old. After my visit, I realized that we all age at differentRead MoreAttitude Toward Elderly1650 Words   |  7 PagesOld Age Attitudes towards Older People Attitudes and treatment towards elderly people can be said to vary drastically across cultures. From Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, Africa and Australia, the attitudes expressed by the community towards older people are very different when compared to one another. 1. In the 1960s, Robert Butler coined the phrase ageism, which he defined as: â€Å"A process of systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people because they are oldRead MoreAnalysis Of Tuesdays With Morrie By Mitch Albom1092 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"I leaned in and kissed him closely, my face against his, whiskers on whiskers, skin on skin, holding it there, longer than normal, in case it gave him even a split second of pleasure† from Mitch Albom’s novel, Tuesdays with Morrie (2007). Facing death and the unknown, Morrie talks with his pupil, Mitch, about his (Morrie’s) path through ageing and then, to death. An inspiring novel of a former professor and sharing hi s perspectives with a younger, man’s heart softening with the professor’s wordsRead MoreAgeism : The Most Prevalent Prejudice Essay1269 Words   |  6 Pagesdefined by as â€Å"unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious (Define prejudice in, n.d.). Ageism is seldom recognized as a form of prejudice. Nonetheless, research shows that ageism is the most prevalent prejudice (Bousfield and Hutchinson, 2010, p. 451). This finding calls for an evaluation of how children view the elderly if they hold ageist views,3 and if they do, what has shaped thoseRead MoreHuman Perception of Domestic Robots Essay1024 Words   |  5 Pagesthe tasks efficiently. Moreover, people belonging to different age groups, for instance, young or elderly people held opposing views in their perception of domestic robot. Young people were more inspiring and had strong attraction towards robots whereas elderly people were fear of their autonomy and malfunctioning. So, young people prefer to have humanoid robots for companionship whereas elderly people want them to looklike machines and capable of doing their tasks perfectly. Hence, people haveRead MoreStereotypes and the Elderly1243 Words   |  5 Pagessociety, it seems that we treasure youth and either fear or are disappointed to reach old age. Our culture has a big influence on how the elderly are perceived has stereotyped this population, mostly seen through the media. Even in films, TV, books, and magazines old people are often portrayed as frail, weak, klutzy, or indecisive. We should look treat our elderly with respect for the fact that they are more associated with experience, knowledge, and wisd om than a younger population. Ageism describesRead More The Use of Humor in Our Society to Promote Ideas Essay722 Words   |  3 Pagespeople will respond differently to certain humorous texts, depending on their cultural knowledge and their values, attitudes and beliefs towards the subject being mocked. From the first stimulus drawn by Mark Parisi of an elderly man misplacing his dentures when they were attached to his behind, it is obvious that the folly being mocked is that of the elderly. The cartoon draws attention and exaggerates the forgetful nature one acquires when one is of old age and uses thisRead MoreSexual Encounters - Original Writing853 Words   |  4 PagesDuring my two year stay in the apartment, I had several male visitors; none involved sexual encounters. One guy, I did not allow to come inside because I knew he wanted to be intimate but I only wanted to talk. Another guy that I was close to, I allowed to spend the morning there where we cuddled and talked. The last guy that stayed over, we watched movies and fell asleep. With all of these guys, I could not bring myself to be anything more with them because I did not have that connection with themRead MoreAgeism : Stereotypes And Stereotyping Of Older People Today Essay1178 Words   |  5 PagesAgeism is a popular and important topic to discuss as it represents a great issue in today’s society. The article â€Å"Ageism in America† focuses on the biases and stereotyping of older people here in America. The elderly is highly discriminated against and we tend to not realize this enough. Ageism is an ever growing concern in the United States and is an issue that needs to be resolved. There is a concern of what will become of ageism in the future. The term ageism is based on an individuals or societies

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Organizational Culture at Pixar free essay sample

Organizational culture  which is also called corporate culture can be defined as a personality of the organization. As we know personality has always played a major role in Mans success, in the same way organizational culture can play a major role in company success. Now in days most of the businesses that are very successful have build a very typical culture that works towards their success. Pixar Is a very good example of how organizational culture can be a key element to a company success. Pixar has a very unique corporate culture that is very typical to them and it works and help them meet their goals, that is why pixar has always had success since they started their computer animation business. Pixar is a very successful company, No other film company in history has come close to pixars record of successful movies-eleven out of eleven have been box office success, and each has been nominated for an academy award. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Culture at Pixar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ( Cameron, Quinn -Diagnosing and changing organizational culture). Most people think that pixar   owes its success to its particular work culture This success, according to people we know at Pixar, is due to a clan culture(Cameron, Quinn- Diagnosing and changing organizational culture). According to Cameron and Quinn, clan ( or collaborate) culture happens in the company when its organization looks more like a family-type. According to them pixar is organized like a family. Pixar make the people working for them feel as comfortable as possible, they make them feel like they are more a part of a family than team work. They believe that this makes pixars employees be as more productive as possible and thus help them meet their goals. Pixars top managers are always looking for creativity because they believe that owe their amazing success to their permanent creativity. In order for them to always be attain that they have to get as much ideas they can. To achieve that they allow their workers from all levels to always express their ideas and themselves. They allow them to give feedback to any ideas even the ones that come from the top managers. Pixars CEO Ed Catmull talk about that in his piece of writing on Harvard Business Review   A movie contains literally tens of thousands of ideas. They’re in the form of every sentence; in the performance of each line; in the design of characters, sets, and backgrounds; in the locations of the camera; in the colors, the lighting, the pacing. The director and the other creative eaders of a production do not come up with all the ideas on their own; rather, every single member of the 200- to 250-person production group makes suggestions. Creativity must be present at every level of every artistic and technical part of the organization . To allow them to use all the ideas from all the workers in all their projects so they transform these ideas into the blockbusters movies, pixar try to create a work environment that make workers fell like they are home so they could express themselves and that can help them come up with good ideas. Ed Catmull is referring to pixar as community when he says Pixar is a community in the true sense of the word . This shows that pixar organizational culture   is like community where people interact freely together, work together, help each other. There is no silos at pixar everyone can talk to everyone to solve problems or to come up with new ideas. Foot notes:       Cameron, Quinn- Diagnosing and changing organizational culture * Harvard Business Review- How pixar fosters collective creativity. www. hbr. org

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Trash Ocean free essay sample

Roughly 75% of our earth is covered with water (IDRC 2010). Many people think that when you dump trash into the ocean that nature will biodegrade. It can take up to hundreds of years for this trash to fully decompose. People need to take into mind that the tiniest piece of plastic can get trapped around animal’s necks, dumping garbage into the ocean can severely damage coral reefs which is home to many marine wildlife , and that red-tides can cause medical complications to animals and people. Our oceans are polluted with many types of trash, but one that really stands out is the amount of plastic that infects our oceans. Plastic  pollution in our ocean  strangles the food chain, and marine wildlife like dolphins, fish, and sea turtles have been found with plastic six-pack rings around their necks. (Figure 1. 1) Microscopic pieces of plastic are drifting like fish food throughout the water, mimicking plankton which is a food supply of most aquatic life (McLaughlin 2008). We will write a custom essay sample on Trash: Ocean or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A very shocking stat I found was that after a quick calculation that estimated the debris at half a pound for every hundred square meters of sea surface, then multiplied by the circular area defined by our roughly thousand-mile course through the gyre, the weight of the debris was about 3 million tons (Moore 2003). (Figure 1. 2) Unlike most waste trashed into the ocean, most plastics do not biodegrade. Instead they photodegrade, a process where sunlight breaks them into progressively smaller pieces, which are still plastic polymers. In fact, the degradation eventually yields individual molecules of plastic, but these are still too tough for most anythingeven such indiscriminate consumers as bacteriato digest. Next time you throw away a cigarette butt, consider this: Many of the 4. 5 trillion cigarette butts thrown away each year are found in the stomachs of dead fish (Denis 2009). Figure 1. 1 Figure 1. 2 Figure 1. 2 is a disgusting mess. This is seriously harming our ocean and this is a crazy amount of plastic and should not be in the ocean. As you can see, this turtle has plastic attached to its body. It is very difficult for a turtle to get untangled from the plastic strands When I’m at home I don’t like to have garbage everywhere I walk and neither does the marine wildlife. When you throw even the tiniest piece of garbage into the ocean you are throwing it into a marine animal’s house! (Figure 2) Due to pollution of our oceans, the marine life is losing their homes. The coral reefs are slowly disappearing for many reasons and the pollution we dump into the oceans is not helping. Due to rising sea-surface temperatures, increasing  ocean  acidification, pollution  and overfishing, some fear that all 1,000 varieties of coral may be extinct by the end of the century (Wade 2010). Coral is disappearing around the world and this is causing many problems because coral provides shelter for around 25% of marine wildlife (Wade 2010). The reefs also act as a natural, coastal barrier to storm surge from hurricanes and typhoons and without them, natural disasters would cause much greater damage to places they hit. As seen in Figure 2 a plastic bag has been thrown into the water and ended up getting caught in a coral reef. This can harm the reef and even cause it to die Figure 2 There are other types of natural pollution that is very harmful to the ocean. Out of the thousands of species of algae, perhaps only a hundred are toxic. When these species occur, they can color the water and produce what are popularly referred to as red  tides (Solow 2005). Red-tides  are caused primarily by the toxic phytoplankton â€Å"Karenia brevis†, which is found on the west Florida shelf. Scientists say that submarine groundwater provides the missing nutrients and may trigger and maintain  red  tides  off west-central Florida (Weatherwise 2006). This type of phytoplankton has a toxin in it that can kill marine life and cause eye irritations and respiratory complications for humans and animals. Red-tides occur annually in the same area generally between August and March and were blamed for many deaths of species of fish, dolphins and other marine wildlife (Weatherwise 2006). Certain species of phytoplankton contain photosynthetic pigments that vary in color from green to brown to red, and when the algae are present in high concentrations, the water appears to be discoloured or murky, varying in color from white to almost black, normally being red or brown. Figure 3) Figure 3 shows a photograph of a red tide off the coast of La Jolla, California (P. Alejandro Diaz). Figure 3: In conclusion, as stated earlier, most of our planet is made up of water and us as humans are slowly destroying it by dumping are wastes and unwanted items. Don’t throw trash in someone else’s house because you wouldn’t like it very m uch if someone did that in your house. Next time you are on a beach and are done drinking your bottle of pop, don’t leave it on the beach, bring it back with you and dispose it properly.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

magic test Review Essay Example

magic test Review Paper Essay on magic test As usual, a review was originally written in English audiobook. This is not the first time have seen situations where an exceptionally elegant first book the second with the author that something happens. Sometimes they begin to stretch until the end of the series, sometimes vigorously pulled up to the first level, but something was missing. Whether the spark is not the same, whether there is a fear to leave the wrong way. I would not say that what happened with Mary Snyder is very critical for the target audience of her books, but personally I was a little sad The Magic Study our Elena goes to the neighboring country -. Sitia unrestrained and magical, full of contrast Ixia. Concurrently, it is her home country where she finally finds a family, learn to control their abilities and generally learn a lot about yourself. Well, a good adventure fantasy to travel the jungles, steppes, fights, intrigue and magic (as of the writing of this sentence I carefully forgot his love for Jordan, Sapkowski and Martin, yes: D). We will write a custom essay sample on magic test Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on magic test Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on magic test Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So now claims if the Poison Study on merisyuizm Elena was still possible to turn a blind eye, here he comes to some completely impossible heights (Bell, Claire, and even rose from the vampire Academy nervously smoking in aside). And, apparently, it is not going to stop. In this situation, it is not clear why our heroine all the other characters but in general, the author believes that we need. And who am I to argue with the author. And of all these characters offensive just Valek, which was lowered to love rags and rare, almost remote, wand sticks. Yes, my buhtenie boils down to the fact that Poison Study was better. The intrigue of the story is stronger, the characters interesting, voltage demolition of the roof On the second is the book just want to forget However, a series of reading, I still continued, because you can not throw Valek

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Presidential Candidacy essays

The Presidential Candidacy essays CURRENT EVENTS ISSUES ON MEDICARE, VOTING FRAUD, INJUSTICE REGARDING PEDOPHILES AND THE WAR The current information provided to the American public on both television and all other mews media outlets are infiltrated with political proproganda one could form no opinion that would be of good judgment based on the facts given to us through these sources. When watching the democratic and republican conventions it becomes almost humorous, the list of promises each candidate makes with the American public knowing fully that the promises and agenda in which they will be carried out will mostly likely not become reality. Based on past presidential campaigns the promises are usually null and void before they ever are carried out. Considering the tug of war that occurs between the House of Congress and the Senate the proposed agenda the President makes that is suppose the better accommodate the American people usually becomes so distorted in the end that no one is better off. One would have to conduct an in depth research project from actual factual documents and information provided by private entities or by personally knowing or being a relative of the candidates currently seeking the Presidency. Considering this, documents could be altered as the American people have learned from experience and the second idea in which to retrieve information, I would have to say, does anyone really know a person. Perhaps our entire democracy should be completely reconstructed. Why could we not have more than two candidates to choose from? Could the American people not demand to have 5, 10 or even 100 candidates to choose from? I suggest that each candidate have an outside independent non-government related agency do a thorough background investigation and this information should be presented to the American public for their own review upon which they could then form their own choice more accurately based on this information. The ca...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing the Fashion Product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing the Fashion Product - Essay Example The essay "Marketing the Fashion Product" talks about the successful marketing strategy of the biggest clothes retailer in the United Kingdom Marks and Spencer (M&S). The lingerie market has grown steadily over the past decades with the United Kingdom experiencing consistent growth. M&S have grown consistently with new designs, innovative practices to record huge volume of sales in the last 5 years. â€Å"The total UK lingerie market was worth an estimated  £2.93bn in 2010, increasing by 17.8% over the 5-year review period.† M&S underwear brands consist of ‘Autograph’, ‘Per Una’ and ‘M&S Woman’ for women. For men it is ‘Autograph underwear’, ‘collezione’. Marketing has always been the nucleus of any business. There is no other alternative to reach the customers than a proper marketing plan and execution. The companies need to reach out to the customers and offer them the best services and quality at competitive prices. It is not necessary for M&S to provide cheap products as quality is the key to the underwear market segment where comfort counts. The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction. The 7P marketing mix is a scientific account of the key areas of marketing which are Product, Price, place, promotion, packaging, positioning, and people. The idea of marketing mix is the same idea as mixing a cake. A baker will alter the proportions of ingredients in a cake depending on the type of cake he/she wishes to bake. The proportions in marketing mix can be altered in the same way and can differ from product to product.† (GCSE,2001) Product selling is a critical area where the customer habits and trends decide whether they want to purchase the product. Quality and innovative design are key factors where the marketers need to equip themselves with answers to critical questions as to the marketability and the acceptability of a product. Product demand and the trend of the market will decide on the sale of the product. M&S have the uniqueness in them where their innovative designers are constantly researching on the aspect of giving the customer an out of the box design. The body shape wear designed by their experts were special for the customers where they welcomed it and very soon it became the trend setter for the underwear brands. Apart from the core product selling, after sales services are also an important segment of product selling as it gives an element of trust to the company. Price is the second P of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Marketing Strategy - Assignment Example The paper also have a critical evaluation of the Apple’s competitive edge and demonstrate how effectiveness using its competitive performance evaluation. Lastly, the paper set a marketing objective for the organization to maximize the brand awareness, growth in sales profitability/volume and increase market share. Apple Inc is a global company that gets based in America and its headquarters, Apple California, gets located in California, United States. Apple got established in 1976 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs and got incorporated in January 1977. Apple designs and sells customers electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The Macintosh personal computer range, iPhone, iPod, and the iPad are some of the best-known products of Apple (Steven, 2002). Some of the software products that get sold by Apple comprise Final Cut Studio that is a video and music production suite, Aperture that is Professional photography software. In addition, Mac Os X operating system, iTunes media browser and Logic Studio that is a music production suite. By May 2012, the company indicated that it has over 300 stores that are located in over ten countries adding the online store. Banton (2011) describes the company as been one of the largest technological firms globally as far as world/s traded companies by market capitalization gets concerned. According to Banton (2011) some of the analysts have even proposed that the Apple Inc. Company has more cash compared to the United States government. Apple (2012) stated that it had over 60, 000 employees that get employed on a permanent basis along with 2800 temporally employees in the world. Regardless of the company success, it has received great critics in the way it treats its contractors and the impacts of the operations of the company in the environment. Among the heavy critics that Apple has received recently is that of Apple supplying workers in China leaving in unhealthy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

FISH! Philosophy of Teamwork Essay Example for Free

FISH! Philosophy of Teamwork Essay FISH! is a philosophy people around the world are implementing in workplaces and educational facilities to help foster fun and teamwork in their business. This philosophy is interesting and has been successful. The founders Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, and John Christensen pulled together to create three books on teamwork which are named _Fish!, Fish! Sticks and Fish! Tales._ In these books they give pointers and tell stories of how making work fun and working as a team creates success. (Lundin, Paul, Christensen, 2000) The idea of this philosophy emerged in 1998 from a film produced by John Christensen. The film is about Seattles World Famous Pike Place Market. John translated and depicted through his film that even in a workplace where fishmongers spent smelly 12 hour shifts stocking, selling, and packing fish that amazing things can happen when people accept the invitation to: 1) Be There for their co-workers and customers, 2) Play, 3) Make someones day and 4) Choose their attitude about how they show up for work. (Christensen, 2007, p. 1) After the film appeared the book _Fish!,_ this has been on the best sellers list and translated into 17 different languages. Today the Fish! Philosophy has flourished among corporate and educational markets throughout the world. We are not afraid to use words like love, soul, and spirit because those are an essential part of our humanity. But these values are just as important to businesses†¦We are on a journey together. (Christensen, 2007, p. 1) Lundin, Paul, and Christensen believe that there are four secrets and strategies for a better way to create fun and teamwork in businesses. First, be there for co-workers. The biggest ways to do this is by smiling and acknowledging people while walking by them. Say hello, converse with co-workers, be friendly and help co-workers laugh. Take the time to listen to people around the workplace. When seeing a co-worker not happy, go up to them and give them a pat on the back and a compliment. Make an effort and try to get to know everyone. Show up for work to help the team. A team is not a team with people missing. These are all some of the things we can do to be there for co-workers. These strategies are used worldwide and seem to help. The second strategy is to play at work. Playing helps energize the workplace. Some examples of play are telling jokes to co-workers, maybe even pass around appropriate jokes (no personal jokes), saying things throughout the day to help people laugh. Have theme days where everybody dresses up differently. Having office parties helps unite play and team because everyone gets together. Create bulletin boards and decorate the office with fun stuff ensuring everyones involvement. Making work fun helps work to get done and makes people want to participate in a team. Third, make someones day which is easy to do and makes the team run smoother. Several ways to make someones day are as easy as saying hello, complimenting their looks, bringing baked goods to work, having a candy bowl out for others to enjoy, thanking people for the small and often overlooked things they do for us, acknowledging others accomplishments, being nice, and by simply volunteering our time. When working as a team it is very important to remember team means we not I that is why it is so important to help the team work easier. (Morton, 2007) Fourth, choose your attitude. Attitude plays an important role in teamwork as well. The good thing about attitude is you can choose a new one. Some ways to keep a positive attitude and help support the team are start each day with a personal positive thought, go to work with a positive attitude, put on a smile, start the day with a laugh or by being helpful, think positive. If you feel yourself getting a bad attitude change it so it does not affect others, be pleasant even if your day is not going well,  leave home at home and last walk around, speak to co-workers and wish them a good day. Successful teams all over the world are using these strategies and making them work. Some of these teams are Ford Motor Company, Wells Fargo, Sprint, the U.S. Army, the May O Clinic, Harley-Davison, the National Weather Service and Verizon Wireless. (Lundin, Paul, Christensen, 2000) An article about Verizon Wireless struck an interest to me. It tells about how the Fish! Philosophy has helped the Southfield Verizon Wireless office. Call centers can be tough. Upset and angry customers call with billing and service questions, even problems. They chew up whoever answers the phone and results can hurt the company. They could have loss of customers, revenue, and employees. In a Southfield Verizon office receiving approximately 5,000 calls a day, you would probably expect it to be a stressful and frustrating place to work but due to them applying the Fish! Philosophy they say no. Instead the cubicles are decorated with cartoon fish and lessons for employees are taped on construction paper, employees can look forward to special days such as Mardi Gras, Black History and many others. Not only are they just all around happy, out of 273 employees, most appear happy. Verizon started using _Fish!_ in 2002 and reported results have been excellent. There was a significant decl ine in the call centers complaints. The Southfield Verizon center that uses this philosophy ranks top amongst the companys other 24 four call centers for solving customer problems on the first call. (Morath, 2005) How amazing that a philosophy developed from watching quaky workers at Seattles Pike Place Fish Market have fun, interact with customers and become a tourist attraction even though very smelly and not the cleanest place, tends to inspire, motivate, and engage employees through a system that makes work fun by rewarding creativity empowering employees. Most of all they keep employees and even more important they work as a team. (Morath, 2005) These are just some of the many successful companies using the Fish! Principles and this philosophy continue to grow. Teamwork is a vital part of life and we apply it everyday. We use it all over the place,  why not have fun while doing it. (Tucker, 2007) Doing this research on _Fish!_ not only interested me but has taught me a great deal. I have learned some very helpful tips in just this little time and if applied might truly help me not only in my job but with life and lifes struggles. Being part of a team is better than trying to accomplish tasks by oneself. I plan to keep learning and applying the Fish! Philosophy and the four principles; Be There, Play, Make Their Day, and Choose the right attitude to enhance my life and work. References Christensen, J. (2007). _FISH! Philosophy: What is FISH!._ Retrieved August 15, 2007, from Lundin, S. C., Paul, H., Christensen, J. (2000). _FISH_! New York, NY: Hyperion. Morath, E. (2005). Fish Philosophy catches on_._ _Michigan Live, 2005_, Retrieved August 15, 2007, from Morton, B. (2007, August 11, 2007). Team big concept in todays workplace; (Final Edition). _Star Phoenix, Saskatoon, Sask, 2007, August_, Pg. F.20. Retrieved August 13, 2007, from ProQuest database. (Document ID: 1319529891). Tucker, C. (2007, March 21). Having fun at work and play; Fish followers; Fish! Philosophy helps workers have fun. _York Daily Record,_ p. 6. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from ProQuest database. (Document ID: 1240070001).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Fixed and Discretionary Trusts Test

Fixed and Discretionary Trusts Test Consider whether the different tests for certainty of objects applicable to fixed trusts and discretionary trusts are appropriate. The tests for certainty of objects differ depending on whether there is a fixed trust or a discretionary trust. This essay will consider whether the different tests applicable to fixed trusts and discretionary trusts are appropriate. Initially, the complete list test applied to both types of trusts. According to this test, the trust is void unless it is possible, at the time it is created, to draw up a complete list of the class. In a fixed trust, the beneficiaries and their shares are identified in the trust instrument. The trustees have a duty to distribute the trust property according to the precise allocation made by the settlor. It is therefore necessary, for the trustees to draw up a list of all the members of the class, before division of the trust property occurs. If they are unable to establish every member of the class, the trust will be void. It can be argued that the complete list test applicable to fixed trusts is appropriate and the courts are justified in taking a strict and demanding approach. The strictness and necessity of the test best ensures compliance with the settlors intention. One may argue that the â€Å"is or is not† test should apply to fixed trusts. However, this test would not be required in fixed trusts where the beneficiaries have already been identified in the trust instrument. Hence, there is no need for the trustees to exercise their discretion in determining whether or not someone is a member of the class. Furthermore, the number of beneficiaries is more likely to be limited with fixed trusts, compared with discretionary trusts. The complete list test was also previously applicable to discretionary tests. However, this is no longer the case since McPhail v Doulton. In McPhail, the trustees were given an absolute discretion to apply the income for the benefit of employees and ex-employees of the company, and their relatives and dependants. This was estimated at a very large number and so it almost impossible to satisfy the complete list test. Hence, it would have been void as a discretionary trust. In order to avoid this, it was held to be a power of appointment, and so valid under the â€Å"is or is not† test. The House of Lords found that a discretionary trust had been created. However, they changed the test for discretionary trusts to the â€Å"is or is not† test. The test is whether it can be said with certainty that any potential claimant is or is not a member of the class. There were two different views expressed in the House of Lords regarding the appropriate test for discretionary trusts. On the one hand, it was argued that the complete list test was the appropriate test because the trustees would need to consider every possible member of a class before exercising their discretion. If the trustees are in default, the court would have to distribute the trust property equally between the members of the class. In order to do so, they would need to draw up a complete list of the class. However, the majority judgement, given by Lord Wilberforce, argued that it is not sensible or realistic to imagine a settlor to ask the trustees to consider every single member. If the settlor had intended the trustees to consider every member of the class, and, for each member to receive an equal amount, he would have stated it in the trust instrument. The fact that he did not state this, and allowed the trustees to exercise their discretion, suggests that he did not intend equal distribution of income. This reflects the aim of discretionary trusts, which is to allow trustees to use their discretion in deciding who should benefit under the trust, and in what proportions. Therefore, all the settlor expects, is that the trustees carry out an appropriate survey of the class, so there is no need to be draw a complete list. Furthermore, where the court has to distribute the money, it is not necessary to divide the money equally, because each person would get a small amount, which is not what the settlor intended. Hence, we can see that the complete list test might be appropriate in cases involving discretionary trusts concerning small family trusts. In such cases, it will be feasible for the trustees to draw up a list of the members of the class, as there will be a small number of beneficiaries involved. Therefore, it will be necessary for the trustees to consider all the members of the class before exercising their discretion. On the other hand, the complete test is too strict and inflexible in cases involving large discretionary trusts. The test would make such trusts void for lack of certainty due to the number of beneficiaries involved which would make it almost impossible to draw up a complete list. Furthermore, there will be costs in drawing up the class. The final amount each member of the class will receive would be so small as to not be of any use to a member. Thus, the complete list test would not best give effect to the intentions of the settlor. Hence, it would be more practical and appropriate to use the ‘is or is not test in such cases. However, this test is easier to state than to apply. This is illustrated by the fact that McPhail was sent back to the High Court in order to determine whether the terms â€Å"relatives† and â€Å"dependants† made the trust void for conceptual uncertainty. Although the trust was upheld, the judges gave very different views. Stamp L.J. took the literal approach that the â€Å"is or is not† test could only be satisfied if it could be said of every potential claimant that they were or, were not, within the class. On the other hand, Sachs L.J. decided that the class test is only concerned with conceptual certainty and not evidential certainty. He also thought that the burden of proof was on the person claiming to be within the class. This might be disadvantageous to individuals who cannot prove their entitlement. Megaw L.J. adopted a middle position. He held that conceptual certainty alone is insufficient and that some degree of evidential certainty is required. Thus, Re Bayden illustrates the difficulty in applying the ‘is or is not test to discretionary trusts. However, the fact that this matter has not arisen in any later cases suggests that it has not been a practical problem. It can be argued that the â€Å"is or is not† test is inappropriate to use as a test for discretionary trusts. This is because the same test is also used in powers of appointment, and since powers and trusts are different from each other, their tests should not be the same. This may be justified on the basis that the â€Å"is or is not† test is more flexible and appropriate, than the complete list test, in cases involving large discretionary trusts. Using the complete list test would invalidate large discretionary trusts on the basis that a complete list cannot be provided. This would clearly not provide a satisfactory result. Therefore, it is suggested that the complete list test is appropriate in fixed trusts since it best ensures compliance with the settlors intentions. Similarly, whilst the â€Å"is or is not† test is probably not the ideal test to apply in discretionary trusts, it is more appropriate than the complete list test used in fixed trusts. Question 2 In his will, Colin leaves  £100,000 to the Hillingbridge Tennis Club, an unincorporated association, to enable it to build an extension to its existing pavilion. The money is paid to Morris, the treasurer of the club, who puts it into a specially opened bank account, which he calls the Extension Account. Soon afterwards, the club is wound up. Discuss Colin left  £100,000 to Hillingbridge Tennis Club to be used for the building of an extension to the pavilion. However, this purpose can no longer be carried out since the club is wound up. There will be a dispute as to who gets the  £100,000. In order to solve this dispute, it will be necessary to work out how the money was held by the club. An unincorporated association has no legal personality and so it is not a legal entity that can hold money. This means that the club cannot be a beneficiary. Hence, a gift to it cannot take effect as a gift on trust for the associations purposes as it offends the beneficiary principle. Furthermore, it is unlikely that the sports club is a charitable association, and so the money cannot take effect as a purpose trust since, such trusts are usually void. The money was paid to the treasurer of the club, Morris, who holds legal title of it. However there is much controversy as to what the basis on which the money is held. The courts have struggled for ways to determine this. Colin left the money to the club for a particular purpose. Therefore, one approach is that the money is held under a Re Denley purpose trust. Under the Re Denley principle, the terms of the trust are stipulated by the donor and the unincorporated association has to use the money in accordance with those terms. In Re Denley, it was held that where a trust is expressed in the form of a purpose, it may still be deemed valid if it can be said to be for the direct or indirect benefit of one or more ascertainable individuals.† Thus, if it is held to be a Re Denley purpose trust, although the members of the club are not beneficiaries, they will have sufficient locus standi to overcome the beneficiary principle, and to enforce the trust. This is only possible in ‘inward looking associations where the performance of the purpose of the trust will benefit the members, who are identifiable persons. It can be argued that the building of the extension to the pavilion will benefit the members since they will need to contribute less money towards the construction of the extension. The building of an extension will also improve the facilities in the club and the members of the club will financially benefit from this. In Re Denley it was not possible to uphold the gift on the basis of the contract holding theory because the gift was not made to an association. However, in our case, the club is as unincorporated association and so the money may have been held in accordance with the contract holding theory. This is the standard approach to the problem of property holding in unincorporated associations. Under the contract holding theory, the money will be considered as a gift to the members subject to their contractual rights and liabilities towards one another. Hence, the trust cannot be subject to the terms stipulated by Colin. It will be subject to the terms of the contract between the members who, collectively, can decide what to do with it. They may use the money according to the purpose for which it was given but are not required to do so. Thus, in Re Lipinski, money left by the testator was, prima facie, subject to the stipulated terms. However, it was held that the gift could be upheld under the contract holding theory provided that the stipulated purpose was an expression of the motive of the gift rather than a binding purpose. This could be the approach adopted here so that the purpose stipulated by Colin is considered to be only a motive. The club did give effect to Colins stipulation as Morris had put the money into a specially opened bank account, which he calls the ‘Extension Account. It may be assumed from its name that the money in the account was to be used in building the extension. However, it is unlikely that the money was used to build the extension since the club wound up soon afterwards. Therefore, in Re Reechers, it was held that a gift to an unincorporated association would have taken effect under the contract holding theory, if it had remained in existence. The gift would have been valid as an accretion under the contract holding theory. Therefore, when an unincorporated association own funds, for ordinary everyday use, there is an assumption that the money is held on contract holding theory and, the gift is an accretion to those funds. This may be applied to the case here if the money in the ‘special account is held to be the ordinary funds of an association. This is unlikely to be the case since it may also be argued that the building of an extension is an ordinary use of funds. Alternatively, it may be argued that this is trivial since, according to the contract holding theory, the money belongs to the members, who may do whatever they want with it. The contract holding theory overcomes the beneficiary principle because although none of the members own a share, collectively, they own the club. Therefore, together, the members can change the terms of the contract, or make any other changes to it, and this is sufficient to satisfy the beneficiary principle. The contract holding theory also overcomes the objection based on perpetuity because the members can collectively access the property and dispose of it, in accordance with the terms of the contract between them. What happens to the money upon dissolution of the club depends on whether the money is held on a Re Denley purpose trust or the contract holding theory. If the money is held on a Re Denley purpose trust, then on the dissolution of the club, the trust will fail and the money will be put on a resulting trust for Colins estate. Colin left the money in his will to the club and the fact that it has been given to Morris implies that Colin is dead. In Re West Sussex, the court assumed that the money was held on trust to carry out the purposes of the association and when it failed, the property was held on a resulting trust to the people who contributed in proportion to their contribution. However, the trust in Re West Essex was not described as a Re Denley trust. On the other hand, in Re Bucks Constabulary Fund, the court reached a different conclusion although the facts were similar to Re West Sussex. It was held that on the dissolution of the Friendly Society the money was to go the members. The decision in Re Bucks reflects the approach adopted today. Therefore, it is likely that the gift will be upheld under the contract holding theory and so the money will go to the members who own it collectively. The club has always been in the ownership of the members, and so it is the contract between them, which determines what happens to the money. Providing that the contract between the members does not prohibit it, the members can divide the money equally between themselves. As the matter concerns the contract between members, there can be no resulting trust since, such trusts only occur in equity. It is likely that the members of the unincorporated association are alive. Hence, the doctrine of bona vacantia will not apply here. Bibliography Burrough v Philcox (1840) 5 My Cr 72 IRC v Broadway Cottages Trust [1955] Ch 20 Neville Estates v Madden [1963] Ch 832 McPhail v Doulton [1971] AC 424 Re West Sussex Constabulary Fund [1971] Ch 1 Re Reechers WT [1972] Ch 526 Re Badens DT (No 2) [1973] Ch 9 Re Lipinskis WT [1976] Ch 235 Re Bucks Constabulary Fund [1978] 2 All ER 571 OT Computers v First National Tricity Finance [2003] EWHC 1010 Haley McMurty, Equity Trusts, (Sweet Maxwell, 2006) at p.52, p.142 Watt, Trusts,(Oxford University Press, 2006) at p. 82 Kevin Boone, The K-Zone

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Miss Saigon Essay

Miss Saigon is a tragic story of love that is set in 1970’s Saigon during the Vietnam War. It is based on Giacomo Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly. The story begins in a shady Vietnamese club called â€Å"Dreamland†. The audience is introduced to Kim who is on her first day as a bargirl. Upon entering the stage, she is greeted by the Engineer who owns the club. In the back, the audience can see the other bargirls getting ready for that night and laughing at Kim’s inexperience. It goes back to the front to show U.S. Marines spending time with some prostitutes. The audience is then introduced to Chris Scott and his friend John Thomas who tries very hard to persuade Chris to spend some â€Å"quality time† with one of the girls. In this bar, there is a Miss Saigon title that all of the bar girls vie for, and the winner is given to a soldier for the night. This is the chance for the bar girls to make an American fall in love with them and take them away from Saigon. It is during this contest that Chris first sees Kim. He perceives innocence in her that all of the other girls don’t have. Although a different girl is crowned Miss Saigon, John sees that his friend liked Kim, and so he buys a room from the engineer for Chris and Kim. After some reluctance, they both enter the room. After spending a night together, Chris realizes that he has fallen in love with Kim. It is apparent that she has fallen in love with him too because when he tries to give her money, she refuses it. They both promise their love to each other and Chris tells her that he will take care of her. Chris takes some time off to spend with Kim. They get married, but during the wedding Thuy who is Kim’s cousin comes in and is very angry because he was engaged since they were thirteen. She lets him know that she does not have any feelings for him and that their arranged marriage no longer exists because her parents are dead. Chris then promises Kim to take her with him when he leaves to return to America. Three years late r there is a street parade in Ho Chi Ming City which used to be Saigon. Thuy tells his soldiers to find Kim. She has been hiding in a poor area waiting for Chris to come back. The audience then sees Chris in America with his new wife Ellen. Both Ellen and Kim are very much in love with Chris. Thuy has ordered the Engineer to find Kim, and he brings her to him. He proposes to marry her again, but she refuses. She shows Tam, Chris’s son to him, and Thuy becomes very angry. He is about to kill Tam with a knife but Kim kills him and runs away with Tum. She runs to the Engineer and tells him what she did, he is very unhelpful until he realizes that Tum is Chris’s son. The Engineer’s main mission during the whole play is to get a passport to the United States. He sees Tum as his perfect chance. Thus, he agrees to help Kim and the boy. In the second part of Miss Saigon, the audience is reintroduced to John who is now working with an organization that reconnects children made during the war to their American fathers. John informs Chris that Kim is still alive and this relieves him. John also lets Chris know that he has a little boy and that he should go to Bangkok with Ellen. Because of this, Chris tells Ellen about Tam and Kim. Once again, the Engineer has a shady club in which Kim dances. This is where John finds her and tells her that Chris is back. He attempts to tell her that Chris is married, but Kim is too happy to listen to him and tells her small boy that his father is back. She truly believes that Chris will take them back to America with him. John can’t bear to tell her the truth and instead swears to bring Chris back. The Engineer doubts Chris will come and tells Kim to go find him herself. Thuy’s ghost appears to Kim and he tells her that Chris will betray her as she was betrayed on the night of the fall of Saigon. With this, Kim has a flashback to what actually happened last night. Chris was called to the embassy, and after telling her to pack and leaving his gun with her, he leaves. After entering the embassy the gates are closed and there is a call from Washington for the instant evacuation of the Americans that remained. No more Vietnamese are allowed into the gates. Chris tries very hard to leave the embassy to look for Kim, but John ultimately punches him and he is put into the last helicopter leaving. Kim promises to wait for him. After the flashback, the audience see’s Kim excitedly dressed in her wedding clothes and she goes to where Chris is staying. She finds Ellen and thinks it is John’s wife, but Ellen tells her she is Chris’s wife. Kim, however, does not believe her. She pleads with Ellen to take her boy so that he won’t grow up in the streets. Ellen does not agree, and tells her that they will help him, but that she wants her own children with Chris. Devastated, Kim runs out of the room. Afterwards, John and Chris arrive to find Ellen and she tells them that Kim has visited and knows everything. Chris and John feel terrible that they weren’t able to break it less painfully to her. Ellen makes Chris choose her or Kim, and he reassures her that what they have was much stronger than what he had with Kim. He decides to support his son and estranged wife by sending them money from America, but not actually taking them with him. John cautions that Kim will not let them leave without Tam. They leave to tell Kim what they have decided. Back in her room, the audience sees Kim speaking to Tam. She tells him he has a father now and should be really happy. In her room, Kim tells Tam that he should be happy because he now has a father. She tells him that she cannot go with him but will be watching over him (â€Å"The Sacred Bird†/†Little God Of My Heart†/†This Is The Hour (reprise)†). Chris, Ellen, John, and the Engineer arrive just outside her room. The Engineer comes in to take Tam outside to introduce Tam to his father. While this is happening, Kim steps behind a curtain and shoots herself. As she falls to the floor, everyone rushes into the room at the sound of the gunshot and find Kim mortally wounded. Chris holds Kim in his arms and asks what she has done and why she did this, as she explains that the gods have guided him to his son. Chris begs her not to die, as she asks him to hold her one last time. After sharing one final kiss, Kim says her final words to Chris, echoing what he said to her from the song â€Å"Sun and Moon† (â€Å"How in one night have we come so far?†) and she dies in his arms (â€Å"Finale†).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

My childhood memory that still occurs today Essay

I don’t know why I’m surprised about this as it’s happened before and still is today. Looking back at it now has made me a lot more confident and I feel a lot stronger than I was before. This all happened 10 years back from now how I had an operation on my eyes that didn’t go to plan and left me with bad results to my eyes as one was squint and the other was just normal. Knowing I had to go to school with these effects was terrifying, nerve-racking, scary, and I had this gut feeling that I wasn’t going to be good enough for anyone. Every day that went by was emotional and upsetting to not only me but to my mum too as she knew what it felt like to be bullied. Each day I came home from school with tears streaming down my face, she knew something was wrong and as I was so young she had no idea what to do but to comfort me and sometimes it wasn’t always like that†¦ she would sometimes and sit there and cry because she wanted to help and also the fact she hated seeing her children cry/ be upset. From day one I was given a nickname which was named 4- eyed Katherine and now growing up it has came to me that my new nickname is cock-eyed Katherine. As it’s been so long ago that this all started I can actually still remember an incident that happened due to the disaffect in my eyes. The school bell rang for home time, I was so happy to be going home. I remember running to the door with my big heavy schoolbag that was twice the size of me. I waved all the teachers goodbye and opened the door to see a few guys I knew that were in my class standing just outside to the left of the school door†¦I hated each and every one of them that were there. One of the boys within the group said hello so I just ignored him and walked on by then I heard someone shout from the group â€Å"oi, Katherine come here†, I didn’t want to go as I just wanted to get home so I ignored them again was halfway down the playground. After having been ignored twice they decided to come over to me, they all circled around me. Next thing I knew I was thrown to the ground; they all spat on me and called me 4-eyes. I seen that they had on roller-blades, they started kicking me with them†¦it hurt me like mad. By this time I was crying and screaming for help. I could hear someone from the far end of the playground shouting â€Å"leave her aloneâ € , the boys all ran off and I was left in pain, I couldn’t feel parts of my body. One of the teachers came over and helped me up also took me back to the school to get me cleaned up. My mum was called  and was told about what had happened to me .thinking about it gives me butterflies in my tummy. Reflecting back 10 years from now is a huge difference but more to the fact that all the bullying hasn’t stopped as it still proceeds today, just like it has for the past 10 years. As I grew up I learnt that not everyone was perfect; everyone has their own flaws and opinions. Looking back from 10 years to now has mostly not affected me as much as it did before but in reality it’s hard to hold back feelings. As it still happens today I don’t really bother about it as basically I’m used to it but sometimes it can go abit too far and it will eventually get to me. There are times that someone has said something either about me or to me and I just simply walk away as people have their own opinions. I don’t understand why they bully me because if it had happened to them they wouldn’t like it. I still have the nickname of cock-eyed Katherine today, I had to wear glasses ever since I had the operation so it would help my eyes get better but every tim e I took them off everyone just stared at me and laughed and I knew from then that I was going to get bullied and be an easy target. Ever since I had theses glasses everyone kept asking me to take them off just so they could see my eyes and laugh at me. My friends stick by me today and they have for a long time, they have seen me at my worst when all this gets to me and they understand how I’m feeling as they also have been through that stage but not as long as I have though. There is an incident that happened in 1st year where it was in P.E and we were doing swimming, as I can’t really see without my glasses I had to wear them. I jumped into the water and when I rose to the top I noticed I wasn’t wearing my glasses, they must have fallen off and sunk to the bottom of the pool. I turned around to find everyone in my class staring at me and laughing. One pupil had to swim to the bottom and collect them and from that day in high school I was bullied as everyone knew the me under the glasses. I mean there are also times when I am walking in the corridor of school and people just walk by me and say â€Å"look there’s cock-eyed Katherine†, I just don’t listen and just keep on walking. In my own opinion I feel like everyone should be treated equally and fairly, we all came in this world the same way so we should all go out that way too. I would like for all the bullying to stop as I’m fed up of it and it just isnâ€℠¢t fair on me that I’m being picked on when they wouldn’t like it if I were doing it to them.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on A Running Experience

Pound, pound, pound. With each stride, fatigue accumulates. Lactic acid fills my legs, making every motion harder. My mind asks me, â€Å"Why are you doing this? Why put yourself through all this pain?† My heart responds: â€Å"Because I have to.† Running is a painful sport. Ask anyone. There are even shirts that say, â€Å"My sport is your punishment.† So it would be hard to comprehend why I would want to do this every day, running 10 miles, with each mile faster than a lot of people’s fastest mile. It’s because of the sense of accomplishment achieved, pushing through the pain and coming out on top. Never has this been most evident than at Cross Country League Finals. I was in the first race of the day. As I toed the line, thoughts were racing. Sweat was pouring. All I could think of was the great amount of competition in this race. But they say the time before the race is always the worst part, the anticipation, the nervousness. But once the gun goes off, all this anxiety is erased. Boom! Suddenly, all thoughts are erased. I start off slow, as my biggest problem has always been starting off too fast and getting tired early. I am in 30th place and the first mile marker of the three-mile race is seen up ahead. I decide now is the time to step it up. As I pass the marker, my stride lengthens, my pulse quickens, my legs get heavier, but I push on. Through the pain, through the tiredness, the shortness of breathe. Just one more. Just one more runner I tell myself, as I pass, runner after runner. Finally, there is only a quarter mile left. I realize it’s just me and a runner from a rival school. We are both exhausted, both hurting, but neither of us give in, then there is only 50 yards left. Somewhere inside me, a voice says, â€Å"GO.† I go. And I win. Through the pain, through the exhaustion, I win.... Free Essays on A Running Experience Free Essays on A Running Experience Pound, pound, pound. With each stride, fatigue accumulates. Lactic acid fills my legs, making every motion harder. My mind asks me, â€Å"Why are you doing this? Why put yourself through all this pain?† My heart responds: â€Å"Because I have to.† Running is a painful sport. Ask anyone. There are even shirts that say, â€Å"My sport is your punishment.† So it would be hard to comprehend why I would want to do this every day, running 10 miles, with each mile faster than a lot of people’s fastest mile. It’s because of the sense of accomplishment achieved, pushing through the pain and coming out on top. Never has this been most evident than at Cross Country League Finals. I was in the first race of the day. As I toed the line, thoughts were racing. Sweat was pouring. All I could think of was the great amount of competition in this race. But they say the time before the race is always the worst part, the anticipation, the nervousness. But once the gun goes off, all this anxiety is erased. Boom! Suddenly, all thoughts are erased. I start off slow, as my biggest problem has always been starting off too fast and getting tired early. I am in 30th place and the first mile marker of the three-mile race is seen up ahead. I decide now is the time to step it up. As I pass the marker, my stride lengthens, my pulse quickens, my legs get heavier, but I push on. Through the pain, through the tiredness, the shortness of breathe. Just one more. Just one more runner I tell myself, as I pass, runner after runner. Finally, there is only a quarter mile left. I realize it’s just me and a runner from a rival school. We are both exhausted, both hurting, but neither of us give in, then there is only 50 yards left. Somewhere inside me, a voice says, â€Å"GO.† I go. And I win. Through the pain, through the exhaustion, I win....

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Joseph And Character Traits

Having character is important in anyone’s life. Joseph was a man who exemplified character by going through many trials and tribulations. We can all learn from his life to better our own. One was Joseph displayed good character was respect, when Potiphar’s wife tried to get him to lie with her he refused (Genesis 39:8-12). By refusing the offer Joseph showed how much respect he had for Potiphar, himself, and God. He also respects Potiphar’s decision to put him in a prison and did not try to prove Potiphar’s wife wrong (Genesis 39:20-23). One can learn from this by knowing to respect those who are in command of you or whom you are to obey, such as parents, teachers, and elders. Another trait Joseph portrayed was responsibility. He had responsibility by being the head slave in the prison (Genesis 39:23). He also had responsibility when he became second in command of Egypt (Genesis 41:40). Responsibility is something everyone needs, having responsibility means that you are able to take care of things no matter what pressure you are under. Having responsibility will also help others trust you. A further character trait Joseph shows in the Bible is perseverance. He never seemed to lose his faith in the Lord (Genesis 37-50). Also, he continued to help people no matter what the circumstance. Such as helping the Pharaoh interpret his dreams (Genesis 41:25-32). I learned from this to never give up. Yet another trait Joseph showed was how he cared for Benjamin and the rest of his brothers. He gave them back their silver (Genesis 42:27-28). He wept after seeing Benjamin (Genesis 43:30). Caring for people is good because you would want them to care for you. A different character trait Joseph portrays is self-discipline. He did not sleep with Potiphars wife (Genesis 39:8-12). And he yields from killing or getting revenge on his brothers for what they did to him (Genesis 42). One can learn from this and not indulge in ... Free Essays on Joseph And Character Traits Free Essays on Joseph And Character Traits Having character is important in anyone’s life. Joseph was a man who exemplified character by going through many trials and tribulations. We can all learn from his life to better our own. One was Joseph displayed good character was respect, when Potiphar’s wife tried to get him to lie with her he refused (Genesis 39:8-12). By refusing the offer Joseph showed how much respect he had for Potiphar, himself, and God. He also respects Potiphar’s decision to put him in a prison and did not try to prove Potiphar’s wife wrong (Genesis 39:20-23). One can learn from this by knowing to respect those who are in command of you or whom you are to obey, such as parents, teachers, and elders. Another trait Joseph portrayed was responsibility. He had responsibility by being the head slave in the prison (Genesis 39:23). He also had responsibility when he became second in command of Egypt (Genesis 41:40). Responsibility is something everyone needs, having responsibility means that you are able to take care of things no matter what pressure you are under. Having responsibility will also help others trust you. A further character trait Joseph shows in the Bible is perseverance. He never seemed to lose his faith in the Lord (Genesis 37-50). Also, he continued to help people no matter what the circumstance. Such as helping the Pharaoh interpret his dreams (Genesis 41:25-32). I learned from this to never give up. Yet another trait Joseph showed was how he cared for Benjamin and the rest of his brothers. He gave them back their silver (Genesis 42:27-28). He wept after seeing Benjamin (Genesis 43:30). Caring for people is good because you would want them to care for you. A different character trait Joseph portrays is self-discipline. He did not sleep with Potiphars wife (Genesis 39:8-12). And he yields from killing or getting revenge on his brothers for what they did to him (Genesis 42). One can learn from this and not indulge in ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Production Department With the HR Department for More Human Resources Essay - 5

Production Department With the HR Department for More Human Resources - Essay Example The finance department is the one most likely to have suggested an increase in production. They are the only department that is likely to be affected negatively by an increase in production. For HR, this will mean an increased strain on staff, or the need to restructure their HR. For production, sales and also the marketing departments, this will mean more work for them. However, with an increase in the production department, the finance department knows that they will not necessarily have any increase in workload but will be produced to report better figures to the CEO. As the HR head, what is likely to (Pink 58)to mind with this kind of announcement from the CEO is the fact that the HR department will need to work harder and may have increased burden. When the CEO says that he needs production to increase, he does not necessarily mean that the human resources will be increased. In this case, the HR department is likely to have to deal with the extra workload with the available huma n resources and will be a challenge to the human resources department. Even if the HR department is able to get financial support to hire more workers, this is still a problem because the process of recruiting is a difficult one. However, given the situation that the firm has been going through, it is unlikely that the HR department will be given more funding to hire more staff and this means that they will have to push the available resources to meet the new production threshold. In this case, as an HR manager, one has to expect to be dealing with increased squabbles with the workers who may resist the new directive to work more without increased pay.

Friday, November 1, 2019

American Money Spending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Money Spending - Essay Example Although there are other ethnic groups as well, they are in the minority and due to time constraints will not be included in this survey. Before the survey it was expected to find that whites earn more than the other groups and in relation should spend more. During the survey it was found that people are reluctant to give out information on their earnings and credit standing, and only after making participants comfortable that they will stay anonymous did some of them divulge the information. From 29 persons asked to complete the survey only 11 complied. From the participants only 4 used credit cards and their average outstanding amount on these cards were less than $2000.00. If this survey would have been representative of the whole American population at large with a much larger sampling rate, it would have refuted the statement that the average American has outstanding credit in the region of $4000. The above table was taken from an article by Barbara Hagenbaugh, in the USA today magazine on consumer debt. In another article Liz Weston also argue against this figures as she stated that most Americans do not even own a credit card and of those that do, most own less than $1000. The survey that was developed contained more information than what was explained in the above summary. The survey may have been over developed, and that may be the reason why so many persons did not want to complete the form. If the form were simpler, containing fewer questions, more people may have participated. In addition if tick boxes and not yes or no answers were required, person could have completed forms in less time, making it more acceptable. The questions may have been to direct and it could be possible to use a more subtle method of enquiring into personal information. Then again it would have created confusion with participants, resulting in an increase in time to complete form, which in turn would reduce the amount of persons willing to take part. What I learned from the Survey Firstly there is much more to a survey than just writing a few questions and going out and get people to participate. The survey composition and layout is very important, as this will influence people to take time to fill in the form. Next the target group must be identified before doing the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 32

Article Review - Essay Example The fourth layer contains tailor-structured applications. In the past, the business management process structures focused on data but currently there is a shifting trend from the data system to processes. The focus was only on the data specific methods, which has transformed into the creation of the business processes, which was dismissed in the past. The shift has moved further to enhance the redesigning of the process to advanced levels. Separating the business process management into different components is because of the current developments in the area of web services. Workflow terminologies are helpful in explaining the business process management. The application of business process passes information, tasks, and documents from one party to the next according to the required and set procedures. A Workflow Management System refers to a system that generates and manages the accomplishment of workforce with the use of software operating on several workflow engines that are able link workflow engines, its requirements and the use of IT tools and their applications. The business process management has several phases, which it uses to support its operational business processes. The first stage is the design stage where redesigning of the processes occur. The next phase is the configuration stage where there is implementation of the designs by a process specific information system. After this stage there is the enactment phase where there is caring out of operational processes using the specific system. The diagnosis phase is the last stage where there is analysis of the operating processes to identify problems and to come up with solutions. The operational process of the business process management is divided into two trends in the modern times, Case Handling and Straight through processing. The Straight through processing is the automation of the business process though dealing with situations without

Monday, October 28, 2019

The positive function and negative function of the social policy in Hong Kong society Essay Example for Free

The positive function and negative function of the social policy in Hong Kong society Essay Introduction Recently, starting from May 1, 2013, Hong Kong had issued an increase of the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) from $28 to $30. Setting SMW at an appropriate level is vital to striking the balance between the objectives of forestalling excessively low wages and minimising the loss of low-paid jobs, while sustaining Hong Kong’s economic growth and competitiveness (2012 report of the minimum wage commission, 2012). To fulfil this aim, the government have decided to increase the minimum wage rate in order for the people receiving the low-paid jobs to have a more fair salary. This paper will first discuss about the stakeholders that will be affected by the increase of the wage rates namely the workers earning the SMW rates, the employees earning above the minimum wage, the firms, the government and the society as a whole. All of the effects of this social policy, both positive and negative that will be implied to these stakeholders will be discussed. Then, the effects of this social policy will be compared with R. Titmuss’ teachings in the objectives of a social policy. Finally, an evaluative comment of what the government should have done to maximise the benefits of this policy and minimising its drawbacks will be given as a conclusion. Effects on Stakeholders Workers The first stakeholder that will be most affected by this social policy is the workers living by the SMW rate. These workers are usually blue-collared workers whose jobs require minimum requirements and manual labor. The minimum wage is used to provide a wage floor for them not to be exploited by the firms, but these workers are usually still the lowest paid amongst the society. They are referred to as the working poor in which the workers are still living below the poverty line of Hong Kong even when they already have a job. As shown by Lam (2013) At the article which has been released by the Commission of Poverty, Hong Kong had just implemented the poverty line in which a one-person household is living at below HK$3,600, two-person  households living below HK$7,700, and four-person households living below HK$14,300 monthly. In Hong Kong, around 19.6 percent of the population were living with less than the poverty line at the year 2012. By the increase of the minimum wage by roughly 7%, the government wanted to tackle the problem of the working poor especially with the rising costs due to inflation and rapid increase in the price of land. According to the Trading Economics (2013), from the year 1981-2013, Hong Kong’s inflation rate have averaged at 4.6 percent while the Global Property Guide (2013) showed that the price of properties in Hong Kong had skyrocketed by 73% over the past 3 years. These rising costs had brought problems to the workers living in the SMW as they usually do not experience an increase in their salaries if the government does not intervene. Their living standards will constantly fall every year and in order to prevent that from happening, the Hong Kong government implemented the increase in the SMW at May 1, 2013. The first time Hong Kong had provided the Statutory Minimum Wage of $28 is at 2011. According to Oxfam’s report on April 17, 2012, â€Å"59.5 per cent reported no improvement with the introduction of the Ordinance†. Oxfam (2012) explained that even when 70 per cent of the low income workers experienced increased wage rates, the employers reduced the remuneration packages, paid rest days, and working hours. Overall, it leads to similar income when the Ordinance have not been introduced which does not lead to any increase in the standard of living of the working poor. This might reoccur with the increase of the SMW, as the employers would want to cut back on the costs. The increase of the minimum wage in Hong Kong might not lead to an increase in the total income of the workers, but might only lead to a shorter working hours or even a decrease in their total income. Firms Another stakeholder that would be affected by the increase of the minimum wages are the firms, especially the small to medium sized ones. Because most of their staffs are earning minimum wage, the firms will either need to either reduce the working hours of their employees or face an increase in the labour cost. If the businesses were to reduce the employees or the  working hours, the quality of the products or services provided will most likely degrade over time due to the lack of labour. On the other hand, maintaining the same amount of labour and working hours will lead to an increased cost. In order for the firms to maintain their profitability, the prices of the product or services will most likely be increased. This will lead to the reduction of the competitiveness of small and medium firms compared to the large firms. Because large firms can most likely afford the increase of the minimum wage, they might not need to push the prices up to keep their demands. This can be disadvantageous to Hong Kong as a whole if it leads to the closure of the small and medium firms which leaves huge industries as monopolies in the industry. Card (1995) mentioned that the minimum wage has a â€Å"ripple effect† in many firms, leading to pay increases for workers initially earning slightly more than the new minimum wage. Because of this, the effects previously mentioned will be amplified even to firms which pay slightly above the new SMW even before the increase. Government In the government’s perspective, the increase of the minimum wage policy can help reduce the government expenditure in a country. According to the Social Welfare Department, Hong Kong has a scheme called the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme to help those who does not have sufficient income to cover their expenses (Comprehensive social security, 2013). For example, an able-bodied adult aged under 60 will receive HK$2,070 if he does not have a family. When the government increased the SMW, the income of the working people will increase and the amount of people that would need the government subsidies to cover their living expenses can decrease. This way, the government can spend more expenditures on other aspects such as better education or housing for the poor. Society This new legislation will also bring several impacts on the Hong Kong society as a whole. Firstly, it has been mentioned that the increase of the minimum wage rate of Hong Kong will lead to the increased cost of firms and ultimately the consumers. Since most of the goods that can be found locally  is manufactured by workers working in a minimum wage, the increase of the SMW will most likely inflate most of the price for most goods. The general increase in the prices level will lead to inflation which brings negative impacts to the lower class part of Hong Kong. According to the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong, the inflation rate of Hong Kong was recorded at 4.30 percent in October of 2013 compared to October of 2012 (Monthly report on, 2013). The increase of the Statutory Minimum Wage is a mere 7.14% since it was first released at May 1, 2011 while the inflationary pressures are roughly 4% annually. This shows that the increase of the minimum wage rate is insufficient to cope with the inflationary pressures that the workers are experiencing in the society. On the other hand, the increase of the minimum wage rate had reduced the income inequality even by a very small amount. The Hong Kong government’s economic report at the year 2012 had shown that Hong Kong has a Gini coefficient of 0.537 in the year 2011 for the original household income (Half-yearly economic report 2012, 2012). This is quite a high figure as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s world factbook states that Hong Kong is ranked at the 11th place for the countries with the highest Gini coefficient. Singapore on the other hand, had a much lower Gini coefficient of 0.478 in the year 2012 and is ranked 26th in the world (The world factbook, ). These figures shows that Hong Kong is one of the worst countries in terms of income equality whereas the income of the rich greatly outweigh the poor. By increasing the Statutory Minimum Wage rate, the citizens with low incomes will be affected as their income will increase while the citizens with high income are barel y affected by this legislations. This will then reduce the wealth gap even just by a very small amount and Hong Kong’s Gini coefficient might drop by a slight amount in the future. Fajnzylber, Lederman, and Loayza (2002) had concluded in their paper that the increase in income inequality has a significant and robust effect of raising crime rates. According to the paper, when income inequality is high, the differences between the potential gains that could be acquired from doing a crime compared with the opportunity cost of it is high. This will  lead to an increase in the crime rates in a particular country where the Gini coefficient is high. By reducing the wealth gap, the government is also helping the society in minimising crime rates as the people in Hong Kong will be less desperate for them into being a criminal. Normally, people resolved into committing crimes when they cannot fulfil their basic needs, therefore the increase of the SMW of Hong Kong will make it more likely for the low income group of people to survive which will ultimately lead to the reduction of crimes. Objectives of a Social Policy According to R. Titmuss (1974), the objective of social policy is to meet social needs and promote social integration and discourage alienation. Because the increase of the Statutory Minimum Wage is a form of social policy, it should fulfil the three criteria mentioned by R. Titmuss. This part of the paper will talk about how well the increase in the minimum wage meet the social needs, promoting social integration, and discourage alienation in the Hong Kong society. Meeting the Social Needs The social needs of a society are the basic fundamentals that the citizens living in Hong Kong needs. One of the ways to dissect these needs is using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. At the bottom of the triangle and the very basic fundamental human needs are the physiological needs which includes basic necessities to live such as food, shelter, and air. The social policy released by the government at May 1, 2013 regarding the new Statutory Minimum Wage does affect the physiological welfare of the minimum wage workers at some aspects. By increasing the SMW, the income of a substantial amount of the workers were expected to rise. This will allow them to be able to afford more of the basic products to survive such as food, water, etc. Due to the increase in their incomes and thus their disposable income, the spending powers of these parts of the society will increase and they should have a better standard of living. However, the paper had mentioned before that inflationary pressures can reduce and dilute the effects of the minimum wage increase. The increase in  the labour costs, which is one of the factors of production, can lead to a cost push inflation in which the rising costs are passed on to the consumers. Even though the workers earning the SMW might feel richer, the general price increase may lead to a small or no improvement in the living standards. According to Trading Economics (2013), Hong Kong’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) is reaching its all time high of 116.8 Index Points in September of 2013. This might even lead to a decrease in the living standard of the working poor as most goods and services are becoming more expensive. Another aspect that is related to the physiological needs of the society is shelter, or the rent of the apartments in the case of Hong Kong. According to Global Property Guide (2013), the property prices of land of Hong Kong had surged 73% which leads to really high rent rates which takes up a huge part of a person’s salary. The introduction of the increase in the minimum wage social policy does nothing to tackle this problem, meaning that the working poor would still need to spend a substantial amount of their salary just to pay for the rent. Even though the Hong Kong Housing Authority is currently attending to this particular need, it is insufficient to fulfil everyone’s physiological need of a decent shelter. The second level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the safety needs of every individuals. Every working men would want a job that is both secure and consistent. They would not want a job that does not ensure a regular income to cover their expenses. When the minimum wage rate is increased, the firms will try to cut their costs sometimes by making the workers redundant or reducing their working hours. Both of the actions mentioned will lead to an insecure feeling by the workers as they might lose their jobs or have a decreased income. Therefore, the social policy for this case does not improve the social needs of the society, and even bring a sense of insecurity and anxiety. The other 3 aspects of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which are the love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualisation, does not apply for this social policy as they are more related with employees with higher income and mostly the white collar workers. Promoting Social Integration and Discourage Alienation Lastly, R. Titmuss (1974) mentioned about promoting social integration and discourage alienation. Social integration is a dynamic and principled process where all members participate in dialogue to achieve and maintain peaceful social relations (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs). This focused on both equal rights and secure social welfare. Even though the increase of the SMW of Hong Kong does not have anything to do with equal rights, it can promote a better social welfare in the society. As mentioned, there is a direct correlation between higher income and lower crime rates. Therefore, if the increase in the minimum wage does increase the total income of each or most individuals working at minimum wage rate, there is a high possibility that Hong Kong can promote more social integration. When social integration occurs, alienation are automatically reduced. When the wealth gap are reduced, communities can be more easily formed as the social classes will be more integrated towards each other. Conclusion and Evaluation As shown in the paper, the increase of the Statutory Minimum Wage in Hong Kong have led to both positive and negative functions in the society. Even though the aims and objectives of this social policy is favourable and positive, there are many factors which can turn them into negative results. One of the biggest factor is the difference between the inflation level compared with the increase in the wage rates. Right now, Hong Kong have a high CPI of 116.8 which can greatly reduce the effects of the improved minimum wage rates. I believe that the increase of the Statutory Minimum Wage from HK$28 to HK$30 is insufficient and should be further increased to at least HK$32 to counteract the inflation rates. On the other hand, the Hong Kong government should take actions to control the inflationary pressures which will be created from this increased labour costs. Fiscal policies such as the use of a higher progressive direct tax for the citizens with high income can be used to both control inflation and increase the government revenue for other uses. Moreover, the government should also try to tackle other social problems that are currently a big issue in Hong Kong like the housing problem. This situation is as critical as the increased amount of the working poor and the huge wealth inequality  and should be countered immediately. In order for a social policy to be beneficial to the society, R. Titmuss (1974) believed that it should cover all the three aspects, namely the social needs, social integration, and discourage alienation. Therefore, the government should take account of these features and redesign the Statutory Minimum Wage, increasing it to a more substantial amount. References: Minimum Wage Commission, (2012). 2012 report of the minimum wage commission. Retrieved from website: Hu , F., Yun , M. (2013, September 30). Hong kong poverty line shows wealth gap with one in five poor. Retrieved from Lam, C. (2013, September 30). Hong kongs first official poverty line purpose and value. Retrieved from (2013, December 10). Retrieved from Residential prices surging in hong kong!. (2013, February 15). Retrieved from Oxfam. (2012, April 17). Poverty in the hong kong workforce, despite the minimum wage oxfam survey reveals 70% of low income workers and their families have more income, but almost half live in deprivation. Retrieved from Chasanov, A. (2004, May 11). No longer getting by—an increase in the minimum wage is long overdue. Retrieved from Social Welfare Department, (2013). Comprehensive social security assistance scheme. Retrieved from website: Census and Statistics Department, (2013). Monthly report on the consumer price index. Retrieved from website: Central Intelligence Agency, (n.d.). The world factbook. Retrieved from website: Hong Kong Economy Government, (2012). Half-yearly economic report 2012. Retrieved from website: Hong Kong Housing Authority, (2013). Annual report 2012/13. Retrieved from website: UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development. (n.d.). Working definition of social integration. Retrieved from website: Card, D. E. (1995). Myth and measurement: The new economics of the minimum wage. Princeton University Press. Fajnzlber, P., Lederman, D., Loayza, N. (2002). Inequality and violent crime. JL Econ., 45, 1. Titmuss, R. M., Abel-Smith, B., Titmuss, K. (1974). Social policy (pp.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dale Chihuly: The Man Behind the Masterpiece Essay -- Artists Artist A

Dale Chihuly: The Man Behind the Masterpiece The artist is known not only for his glasswork—which displays exuberant colors, exotic shapes, and a dramatic scale—but also for his outlandish lifestyle and appearance. According to William Warmus, author of The Essential Dale Chihuly, â€Å"Henry Geldzahler, former curator of contemporary art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, once said that the striking Chihuly ‘looks like a pirate and sometimes acts like a pirate,’ leading the life of a nomad and traveling the world over to orchestrate museum shows, glassblowing sessions, and installations of his work† (10). Chihuly’s trademark look includes: About the artist: â€Å"One of my favorite artists is Harry Houdini. Maybe that’s what I’m trying to be—a magician.† Dale Chihuly was born on September 20, 1941, in Tacoma, Washington. A butcher’s son, he was born into a humble, working-class family. His only brother died in a navy training accident in 1957. Months later, his father suffered a fatal heart attack. Chihuly was devastated by the loss, but his mother convinced him to go on to college. While attending the University of Washington, Chihuly completed an assignment to use nonfiber material in a weaving†¦As Warmus recalls: This proves to be the occasion of his first serious glass artwork, Glass Weaving, in which glass shards are interlaced with metal wires that he has fused into glass. Smitten with his new art form, Chihuly is awarded the Seattle Weavers Guild Award in 1964 for his innovative use of glass and fiber. (Warmus 17) The Child and the Adult: Many of Chihuly’s childhood experiences influenced his art later in life: Young Dale spends much of his childhood at the beach with his family, and enjo... ...p of that, Chihuly has his own publishing company, Portland Press, and published several books on his own. Some of these can be found on his website at the big picture: Besides the colossal glass works that Chihuly has spread across the planet, how is he contributing to society? Although most known as Dale Chihuly, the artist, it is Dale Chihuly, the character, who has contributed the most to society. He is an unrestrainedly free spirit, seeking out energy, life, and peace of mind through a pursuit of beauty. It just happens that art is his way of sharing these sensations with the world. References Chihuly. 20 Nov. 2001 . Form From Fire: Educator Resource Packet. Dayton: Dayton Art Institute, 2001. Warmus, William. The Essential Dale Chihuly. New York: Wonderland Press, 2000.