Friday, December 27, 2019

30 Famous Bilingual French Quotes

French quotes are a fun and interesting way to learn some French vocabulary. The quotes below are short, famous, and easy to memorize. The quotations are grouped in sections according to their content so that you can find just the right saying to impress your family, friends, and colleagues—French or American—with your command of this Romance language. Each Fench quote is followed by its English translation as well as the person who made the statement. Right and Wrong Truth, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder, but in French, there are many ways to say that you think—actually know—that you are right and others are wrong. Prouver que jai raison serait accorder que je puis avoir tort.Proving that I am right would be admitting that I could be wrong.- Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais Il ny a pas de verità ©s moyennes.​There are no half-truths.- Georges Bernanos On nest point toujours une bà ªte pour lavoir à ©tà © quelquefois.Being a fool sometimes does not make one a fool all the time.- Denis Diderot Thought and Existence Widely regarded as the father of modern philosophy, Renà © Descartes uttered four famous words—I think, therefore I am.—which are even briefer in Latin, the language he used to create the dictum: Cogito, ergo sum. Descartes motivated humans to begin thinking about the meaning of thought and existence, but other French notables also had interesting things to say on the subject. Je pense, donc, je suis.I think, therefore, I am.-  Renà © Descartes Imaginer cest choisir.To imagine is to choose.- Jean Giono Le monde a commencà © sans lhomme et il sachà ¨vera sans lui.The world began without man and it will end without him.- Claude Là ©vi-Strauss La Raison cest la folie du plus fort. La raison du moins fort cest de la folie.​Reason is the madness of the strongest. The reason of those less strong is madness.- Eugà ¨ne Ionesco Dans une grande à ¢me tout est grand.In a great mind everything is great.- Blaise Pascal Books and Art As one of the countries that helped usher in the  Renaissance  centuries ago, France has also produced many thinkers who have commented on great books and great art. Le livre est lopium de lOccident.Books are the opium of the West.- Anatole France LÅ“uvre dart, cest une idà ©e quon exagà ¨re.A work of art is an idea that someone exaggerates.- Andrà © Gide Les livres sont des amis froids et sà »rs.Books are cold and certain friends.-​  Victor Hugo Le monde est un livre dont chaque pas nous ouvre une page.The world is a book—with each step we open a page.  - Alphonse de Lamartine Un peuple malheureux fait les grands artistes.An unhappy nation makes great artists.- Alfred de Musset Les chefs-dÅ“uvre ne sont jamais que des tentatives heureuses.Masterpieces are never anything else but happy attempts.- George Sand Écrire, cest une faà §on de parler sans à ªtre interrompu.​Writing is a way to talk without being interrupted.- Jules Renard Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Liberty, equality, fraternity is the national French motto. The words marked the  end of absolute monarchy  and  the birth of the sovereign nation  in 1792, after the French Revolution. Not surprisingly, many French thinkers have had plenty to say on the subject. Les Franà §ais sont des veaux.French people are calves.- Charles de Gaulle On nous apprend à   vivre quand la vie est passà ©e.They teach us to live when life is past.- Michel de Montaigne La libertà © est pour la Science ce que lair est pour lanimal.Liberty is to science what air is to animals.- Henri Poincarà © Tous pour un, un pour tous.All for one, one for all.  -  Alexandre Dumas Un homme seul est toujours en mauvaise compagnie.A lone man is always in poor company.- Paul Valà ©ry Miscellaneous Thoughts Many French sayings dont fit neatly into any single category, but they are thought-provoking, nevertheless. Je me sers danimaux pour instruire les hommes.I use animals to teach men.-  Jean de La Fontaine La science na pas de patrie.Science has no homeland.- Louis Pasteur Tout commence en mystique et finit en politique.Everything begins mystically and ends politically.- Charles Pà ©guy Plus loffenseur mest cher, plus je ressens linjure.The more dearly I hold the offender, the more strongly I feel the insult.- Jean Racine Être adulte, cest à ªtre seul.To be an adult is to be alone.- Jean Rostand On ne voit bien quavec le coeur.We see well only with the heart.- Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry Lenfer, cest les autres.Hell is other people.- Jean-Paul Sartre À vaillant coeur rien dimpossible.For a valiant heart nothing is impossible.- Jacques Coeur Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que  tu es.Tell me what you eat and Ill tell you what you are.- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Va, je ne te hais point.Go, I dont hate you.- Pierre Corneille​

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Attitudes Towards The Elderly - 1031 Words

Society as whole has many false beliefs and preconceived notions about the aging population. I myself have harboured dozens of them throughout my lifetime. However, there are a select few that have stood the test of time as they continue to guide my attitudes towards the elderly. Though one of the oldest stereotypes in the book, I unfortunately see the elderly as being a generally unhappy (grumpy) group. I rationalize to myself that they are this way due to deteriorating health, and also because they are generally unpleased with where life has taken them. I also feel that as a result, many elderly tend to disengage themselves from society, preferring to live quiet lives in solitude. And due to their self-imposed exiles from the judging eyes of the world, they take little pride in their aesthetic appearance. So in an endeavor to examine the impact of my perceived beliefs about others, I interviewed my mother to verify whether or not my currently held beliefs carried any weight. The Interview Me: What is your current age? Mom: 59 Me: Does the thought of aging worry you? Mom: Aging worries me. I know that as we age, no matter how much we take good care of ourselves, we are going to get sick. I m scared of getting sick and being a burden to my kids. And also, I m not ready to die. I want to see that all my kids and my only grandchild to have a stable life. Me: How would you say aging has affected you both physically and mentally? Mom: I noticed that I get tiredShow MoreRelatedIs Ageism Against The Older People Could Potentially Be Reversed Through The Participation Of A Lifespan Human Development Course1620 Words   |  7 PagesIn this article, the author examine if negative attitudes towards older people could potentially be reversed through the participation in a Lifespan Human Development Course. He states that research findings shows that a prevailing factor that is affecting the elder population today is ageism. Researchers found, that the younger generation, 35 years and younger, are judgmental and in many cases disrespectful and hold some form of prejudice towards older adults. Older adult are often described inRead MoreEssay about Growing Old1073 Words   |  5 Pagesprocess depends on the individual. After my Visit at English Oaks Convalescent Home, a skilled nursing facility for adults’ age 55 and older, I found this to be true. During my visit, I conversed with many â€Å"residents† whom were alert and oriented and very aware of the aging process. We conversed about the process of aging and the factors that appear to account for a longer life. We talked about adjusting to aging as well as the positives of growing old. After my visit, I realized that we all age at differentRead MoreAttitude Toward Elderly1650 Words   |  7 PagesOld Age Attitudes towards Older People Attitudes and treatment towards elderly people can be said to vary drastically across cultures. From Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, Africa and Australia, the attitudes expressed by the community towards older people are very different when compared to one another. 1. In the 1960s, Robert Butler coined the phrase ageism, which he defined as: â€Å"A process of systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people because they are oldRead MoreAnalysis Of Tuesdays With Morrie By Mitch Albom1092 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"I leaned in and kissed him closely, my face against his, whiskers on whiskers, skin on skin, holding it there, longer than normal, in case it gave him even a split second of pleasure† from Mitch Albom’s novel, Tuesdays with Morrie (2007). Facing death and the unknown, Morrie talks with his pupil, Mitch, about his (Morrie’s) path through ageing and then, to death. An inspiring novel of a former professor and sharing hi s perspectives with a younger, man’s heart softening with the professor’s wordsRead MoreAgeism : The Most Prevalent Prejudice Essay1269 Words   |  6 Pagesdefined by as â€Å"unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious (Define prejudice in, n.d.). Ageism is seldom recognized as a form of prejudice. Nonetheless, research shows that ageism is the most prevalent prejudice (Bousfield and Hutchinson, 2010, p. 451). This finding calls for an evaluation of how children view the elderly if they hold ageist views,3 and if they do, what has shaped thoseRead MoreHuman Perception of Domestic Robots Essay1024 Words   |  5 Pagesthe tasks efficiently. Moreover, people belonging to different age groups, for instance, young or elderly people held opposing views in their perception of domestic robot. Young people were more inspiring and had strong attraction towards robots whereas elderly people were fear of their autonomy and malfunctioning. So, young people prefer to have humanoid robots for companionship whereas elderly people want them to looklike machines and capable of doing their tasks perfectly. Hence, people haveRead MoreStereotypes and the Elderly1243 Words   |  5 Pagessociety, it seems that we treasure youth and either fear or are disappointed to reach old age. Our culture has a big influence on how the elderly are perceived has stereotyped this population, mostly seen through the media. Even in films, TV, books, and magazines old people are often portrayed as frail, weak, klutzy, or indecisive. We should look treat our elderly with respect for the fact that they are more associated with experience, knowledge, and wisd om than a younger population. Ageism describesRead More The Use of Humor in Our Society to Promote Ideas Essay722 Words   |  3 Pagespeople will respond differently to certain humorous texts, depending on their cultural knowledge and their values, attitudes and beliefs towards the subject being mocked. From the first stimulus drawn by Mark Parisi of an elderly man misplacing his dentures when they were attached to his behind, it is obvious that the folly being mocked is that of the elderly. The cartoon draws attention and exaggerates the forgetful nature one acquires when one is of old age and uses thisRead MoreSexual Encounters - Original Writing853 Words   |  4 PagesDuring my two year stay in the apartment, I had several male visitors; none involved sexual encounters. One guy, I did not allow to come inside because I knew he wanted to be intimate but I only wanted to talk. Another guy that I was close to, I allowed to spend the morning there where we cuddled and talked. The last guy that stayed over, we watched movies and fell asleep. With all of these guys, I could not bring myself to be anything more with them because I did not have that connection with themRead MoreAgeism : Stereotypes And Stereotyping Of Older People Today Essay1178 Words   |  5 PagesAgeism is a popular and important topic to discuss as it represents a great issue in today’s society. The article â€Å"Ageism in America† focuses on the biases and stereotyping of older people here in America. The elderly is highly discriminated against and we tend to not realize this enough. Ageism is an ever growing concern in the United States and is an issue that needs to be resolved. There is a concern of what will become of ageism in the future. The term ageism is based on an individuals or societies

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Organizational Culture at Pixar free essay sample

Organizational culture  which is also called corporate culture can be defined as a personality of the organization. As we know personality has always played a major role in Mans success, in the same way organizational culture can play a major role in company success. Now in days most of the businesses that are very successful have build a very typical culture that works towards their success. Pixar Is a very good example of how organizational culture can be a key element to a company success. Pixar has a very unique corporate culture that is very typical to them and it works and help them meet their goals, that is why pixar has always had success since they started their computer animation business. Pixar is a very successful company, No other film company in history has come close to pixars record of successful movies-eleven out of eleven have been box office success, and each has been nominated for an academy award. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Culture at Pixar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ( Cameron, Quinn -Diagnosing and changing organizational culture). Most people think that pixar   owes its success to its particular work culture This success, according to people we know at Pixar, is due to a clan culture(Cameron, Quinn- Diagnosing and changing organizational culture). According to Cameron and Quinn, clan ( or collaborate) culture happens in the company when its organization looks more like a family-type. According to them pixar is organized like a family. Pixar make the people working for them feel as comfortable as possible, they make them feel like they are more a part of a family than team work. They believe that this makes pixars employees be as more productive as possible and thus help them meet their goals. Pixars top managers are always looking for creativity because they believe that owe their amazing success to their permanent creativity. In order for them to always be attain that they have to get as much ideas they can. To achieve that they allow their workers from all levels to always express their ideas and themselves. They allow them to give feedback to any ideas even the ones that come from the top managers. Pixars CEO Ed Catmull talk about that in his piece of writing on Harvard Business Review   A movie contains literally tens of thousands of ideas. They’re in the form of every sentence; in the performance of each line; in the design of characters, sets, and backgrounds; in the locations of the camera; in the colors, the lighting, the pacing. The director and the other creative eaders of a production do not come up with all the ideas on their own; rather, every single member of the 200- to 250-person production group makes suggestions. Creativity must be present at every level of every artistic and technical part of the organization . To allow them to use all the ideas from all the workers in all their projects so they transform these ideas into the blockbusters movies, pixar try to create a work environment that make workers fell like they are home so they could express themselves and that can help them come up with good ideas. Ed Catmull is referring to pixar as community when he says Pixar is a community in the true sense of the word . This shows that pixar organizational culture   is like community where people interact freely together, work together, help each other. There is no silos at pixar everyone can talk to everyone to solve problems or to come up with new ideas. Foot notes:       Cameron, Quinn- Diagnosing and changing organizational culture * Harvard Business Review- How pixar fosters collective creativity. www. hbr. org

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Trash Ocean free essay sample

Roughly 75% of our earth is covered with water (IDRC 2010). Many people think that when you dump trash into the ocean that nature will biodegrade. It can take up to hundreds of years for this trash to fully decompose. People need to take into mind that the tiniest piece of plastic can get trapped around animal’s necks, dumping garbage into the ocean can severely damage coral reefs which is home to many marine wildlife , and that red-tides can cause medical complications to animals and people. Our oceans are polluted with many types of trash, but one that really stands out is the amount of plastic that infects our oceans. Plastic  pollution in our ocean  strangles the food chain, and marine wildlife like dolphins, fish, and sea turtles have been found with plastic six-pack rings around their necks. (Figure 1. 1) Microscopic pieces of plastic are drifting like fish food throughout the water, mimicking plankton which is a food supply of most aquatic life (McLaughlin 2008). We will write a custom essay sample on Trash: Ocean or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A very shocking stat I found was that after a quick calculation that estimated the debris at half a pound for every hundred square meters of sea surface, then multiplied by the circular area defined by our roughly thousand-mile course through the gyre, the weight of the debris was about 3 million tons (Moore 2003). (Figure 1. 2) Unlike most waste trashed into the ocean, most plastics do not biodegrade. Instead they photodegrade, a process where sunlight breaks them into progressively smaller pieces, which are still plastic polymers. In fact, the degradation eventually yields individual molecules of plastic, but these are still too tough for most anythingeven such indiscriminate consumers as bacteriato digest. Next time you throw away a cigarette butt, consider this: Many of the 4. 5 trillion cigarette butts thrown away each year are found in the stomachs of dead fish (Denis 2009). Figure 1. 1 Figure 1. 2 Figure 1. 2 is a disgusting mess. This is seriously harming our ocean and this is a crazy amount of plastic and should not be in the ocean. As you can see, this turtle has plastic attached to its body. It is very difficult for a turtle to get untangled from the plastic strands When I’m at home I don’t like to have garbage everywhere I walk and neither does the marine wildlife. When you throw even the tiniest piece of garbage into the ocean you are throwing it into a marine animal’s house! (Figure 2) Due to pollution of our oceans, the marine life is losing their homes. The coral reefs are slowly disappearing for many reasons and the pollution we dump into the oceans is not helping. Due to rising sea-surface temperatures, increasing  ocean  acidification, pollution  and overfishing, some fear that all 1,000 varieties of coral may be extinct by the end of the century (Wade 2010). Coral is disappearing around the world and this is causing many problems because coral provides shelter for around 25% of marine wildlife (Wade 2010). The reefs also act as a natural, coastal barrier to storm surge from hurricanes and typhoons and without them, natural disasters would cause much greater damage to places they hit. As seen in Figure 2 a plastic bag has been thrown into the water and ended up getting caught in a coral reef. This can harm the reef and even cause it to die Figure 2 There are other types of natural pollution that is very harmful to the ocean. Out of the thousands of species of algae, perhaps only a hundred are toxic. When these species occur, they can color the water and produce what are popularly referred to as red  tides (Solow 2005). Red-tides  are caused primarily by the toxic phytoplankton â€Å"Karenia brevis†, which is found on the west Florida shelf. Scientists say that submarine groundwater provides the missing nutrients and may trigger and maintain  red  tides  off west-central Florida (Weatherwise 2006). This type of phytoplankton has a toxin in it that can kill marine life and cause eye irritations and respiratory complications for humans and animals. Red-tides occur annually in the same area generally between August and March and were blamed for many deaths of species of fish, dolphins and other marine wildlife (Weatherwise 2006). Certain species of phytoplankton contain photosynthetic pigments that vary in color from green to brown to red, and when the algae are present in high concentrations, the water appears to be discoloured or murky, varying in color from white to almost black, normally being red or brown. Figure 3) Figure 3 shows a photograph of a red tide off the coast of La Jolla, California (P. Alejandro Diaz). Figure 3: In conclusion, as stated earlier, most of our planet is made up of water and us as humans are slowly destroying it by dumping are wastes and unwanted items. Don’t throw trash in someone else’s house because you wouldn’t like it very m uch if someone did that in your house. Next time you are on a beach and are done drinking your bottle of pop, don’t leave it on the beach, bring it back with you and dispose it properly.